MARADECA, the Maranao People Development Center Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit service oriented institution catering to the needs of the Moro People in their quest for socio economic advancement and to struggle for peace and development. It adopts a people-based, community based, integrated and sustainable development framework that creatively reflects the aspirations of one Moro People.

MARADECA’s mandate is centered through the issues and situations of the β€œdeprivedβ€œ and the β€œneglectedβ€œ around the urban and rural communities of Marawi City and Lanao del Sur. It primarily works towards addressing the plight of internally displaced persons (IDP`s) as aggravated by the peace, order and development landscape around Mindanao. While most of its continuing programmes are focused on the promotion of welfare of women and children primarily in the sectors of health, sanitation, education and peace building, a clear manifestation of the participation of the marginalised in development.


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